Click on the cover art to bang your head
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| Re-release of the 4th monster album from the German Hammer! Red LP with the original artwork as intended by the band and a totally reworked backcover and insert. |
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| Re-release of the infamous debut EP from 2001! Transparent vynil, 5 bonus tracks from tape |
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Second LP of toxic warriors Atomic Roar in yellow vynil! |
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| Debut LP Rock'n Hell green as weed! |
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| Motorfröst ! Blood red LP |
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| Re-release of the infamous split LP! An album red as lust, complete with A2 poster |
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| Re-release of the 1st album from Speed Metal heroes Flageladör. Sung in Portuguese! Red LP with reworked artwork. |
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| Monster third album from the Brazilian Speed Metalheads singing in Portguese. Red transparent LP, killer riffing here. |
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| Re-release of the killer 1st album from Thrash Metal devils Farscape. Orange LP! |
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| Incredible second album of Thrashers. Gatefold cover, green vynil, and immortal riffs. |
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| Debut landmark album of Brazilian Hammer worshippers on black LP. |
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| Second album, following the same style with a more personal twist. Gatefold cover, red vynil. |
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| Fourth album going deeper and deeper in heaviness. Gatefold cover, black LP, poster |
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| Second, and some would say better, album of terrific Metalpunk. Transparent LP |
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| First LP from raw Brazilian Black Metal Velho. Sung in Portuguese! Violet LP SOLD OUT |
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| Second and most intense LP from Brazilian Black Metal masters Velho. Sung in Portuguese! Transparent LP |
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